Important Announcement: ACT testing for all 11th grade students will take place on February 25 (last names A-M) & February 26 (last names N-Z). Campus will be closed to all students on Feb 25 and closed to high school students on Feb 26.
about 12 hours ago, Site Administrator
act feb
Reminder - there is NO SCHOOL this Friday February 7th (Staff Development Day) and NO SCHOOL on Monday February 10th (Mental Health Day).
1 day ago, Office Manager
3 days ago, Site Administrator
If you have a Junior taking the ACT at the end of the month, don't miss the ACT BOOTCAMP happening on February 15th.
4 days ago, Office Manager
about 1 month ago, Site Administrator
pride press
Second semester classes start today!
about 1 month ago, Office Manager
Mrs. McCarty's zoom is not available today. Please join one of the other 5 zooms. Thank you for your understanding.
about 2 months ago, Office Manager
3 months ago, Site Administrator
6 months ago, Site Administrator
SHOP EARLY FOR UNIFORMS! Avoid delays and crowds by shopping early for Delta Academy school uniforms! You can shop in store at 7575 West Sunset Rd, Suite #120, Las Vegas, NV 89113. They are open Monday-Friday 9:00am-6:00pm, and Saturday (starting 7/13/24) 9:00am-3:00pm. You can also order online at
8 months ago, Site Administrator
Delta Academy Senior Graduation Live Stream Link:
9 months ago, Site Administrator
about 1 year ago, Site Administrator
Today is the start of the second semester for both day and online students.
about 1 year ago, Office Manager
over 1 year ago, Site Administrator
M Lion
Today is the first day of school! It's going to be a great year!
over 1 year ago, Office Manager
BARBERS & BACKPACKS Delta students can join us for a fun-filled day of activities highlighted by free haircuts and free school supplies.  This will take place on Monday, July 31st, from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  Students can learn about school clubs, play games, and get to know members of the Delta family.  School uniforms will also be available to purchase.   Please click on the link to RSVP for Delta's Barbers and Backpacks Event on 7/31/23 from 11:00 until 3:00.
over 1 year ago, Office Manager
Here is the live stream link to our Graduation Ceremony.
over 1 year ago, Office Manager
IMPORTANT REMINDER: ALL Online classes close out at NOON tomorrow, Thursday 5/18/23. There are no extensions or exceptions. Grades will be posted to Infinite Campus by Saturday. If your student needs summer school, please enroll as soon as possible. Our Summer School is filling up very quickly.
over 1 year ago, Office Manager
Reminder - there is no school Friday April 7th and Monday April 10th for Mental Health days. As always, online classes are still accessible on days off. Enjoy the long weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Office Manager
Reminder: Only students who are taking the ACT test will be on campus tomorrow March 7th during day school hours. All students will work from home. Normal online lab hours will begin at 3:30 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Office Manager