Attendance Policy


  • The Nevada Department of Education requires that our students regularly attend school in accordance with Nevada State Law (NRS 392.122).

  • All students and their parents/guardians will be required to sign an attendance notification.

  • The Nevada Administration Code 389.040 defines the Carnegie Unit that states that a student who misses excessive hours of seat time in a class may not earn credit in that particular class.

  • Students who exceed 9 unverified absences in any class per semester will not earn credit and may be referred to an alternative placement. Placement online

  • If a student is absent due to physical or mental reasons, the parent/guardian must provide written notification to the school attendance office within three days of the absence. Failure to do this will result in an unexcused absence. The absence may not be changed after three days.

  • A student, who is determined to be habitually truant, will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials and truancy court.

  • Students more than 30 minutes late to class will be marked absent and the absence will be unexcused if no note is provided.

  • Notices may be sent to the student’s recorded residence after the third, fifth, and seventh absences. School attendance letters will be mailed out to inform parents of student absences.

  • Absences for the following reasons will not be included in the absence total: a.) While participating in a school-sanctioned activity, b.) While on suspension or required parent conference. Students may not be on RPC more than one school day.

  • If the parent/legal guardian or student has reason to believe that there is an error in the attendance record, or if extenuating circumstances exist, an appeal hearing may be requested with the administration.

  • After any absence, a student shall be required to initiate contact with teachers to obtain make-up work within three school days. Once contact has been made with teachers, the teachers will determine special make-up work and the time interval allowed for completion. There will not be three make up days for each day absent. The work must be completed as instructed by the teacher.


The importance of regular log-in attendance manifests itself in the acknowledgement of the responsibility for each individual student to faithfully honor the process of learning.  The Delta Academy strives for consistently high academic on-task responsibility rates.  The Delta Academy will identify and promptly address all situations that could prevent or hinder regular attendance to all learning responsibilities. In the 2016-2017 school year, Delta Academy adopted the Edgenuity online curriculum. Since the majority of the school work will be completed on-line, the teachers will be required to accurately track student progress.  The number of days attended will be determined by the licensed teacher according to the time spent in face-to-face instruction, the amount of time the student has worked on the computerized instructional program and the work completed outside the computerized instructional program including all reading and writing assignments given by the teacher.  Attendance for the face-to-face instruction sessions are the most important portion of the online experience. All students must attend one of the three-hour face-to-face direct instruction sessions every week. During these sessions, teachers will be providing guided instruction, hands on activities and answering questions. The school is open for online students between 3:15 PM and 6:15 PM on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.  Any student that does not log in to all classes in a school week is subject being suspended for one day on the first offense.  


The Delta Academy is obligated to keep an accurate record of daily attendance and progress in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). A Delta Academy student will be considered absent/ truant if he/she fails to adequately progress in each of their classes through verified work submission after five consecutive school days (Monday-Friday). A Delta Academy student may subject to disciplinary action for one or more of the following reasons as determined on a case-by-case basis:

  • Failure to attend/participate in The Delta Academy Online Orientation Sessions

  • Failure to submit work for each course each week. This is considered truancy or

  • Failure to respond to teacher/administrator phone calls, E-mails, and/or intervention meeting requests

  • Failure to participate in state-mandated testing

  • Failure to communicate change of address, phone number(s) or other contact information to the Registrar’s Office

  • Failure to maintain Academic Integrity (i.e., plagiarism, taking assessments multiple times in a short period)

  • Failure to follow Individual Education Plan (IEP)

  • Failure to follow other The Delta Academy policies

    NRS 392.122  Minimum attendance requirements; school district authorized to exempt medical absences from requirements; notice and opportunity for parent to review absences before credit or promotion is denied; information to parents concerning duty to comply.

      1.  The board of trustees of each school district shall prescribe a minimum number of days that a pupil who is subject to compulsory attendance and enrolled in a school in the district must be in attendance for the pupil to obtain credit or to be promoted to the next higher grade. The board of trustees of a school district may adopt a policy prescribing a minimum number of days that a pupil who is enrolled in kindergarten or first grade in the school district must be in attendance for the pupil to obtain credit or to be promoted to the next higher grade.

      2.  For the purposes of this section, the days on which a pupil is not in attendance because the pupil is absent for up to 10 days within 1 school year with the approval of the teacher or principal of the school pursuant to NRS 392.130, must be credited towards the required days of attendance if the pupil has completed course-work requirements. The teacher or principal of the school may approve the absence of a pupil for deployment activities of the parent or legal guardian of the pupil, as defined in NRS 388F.010. If the board of trustees of a school district has adopted a policy pursuant to subsection 5, the 10-day limitation on absences does not apply to absences that are excused pursuant to that policy.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, before a pupil is denied credit or promotion to the next higher grade for failure to comply with the attendance requirements prescribed pursuant to subsection 1, the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled or the principal’s designee shall provide written notice of the intended denial to the parent or legal guardian of the pupil. The notice must include a statement indicating that the pupil and the pupil’s parent or legal guardian may request a review of the absences of the pupil and a statement of the procedure for requesting such a review. Upon the request for a review by the pupil and the pupil’s parent or legal guardian, the principal or the principal’s designee shall review the reason for each absence of the pupil upon which the intended denial of credit or promotion is based. After the review, the principal or the principal’s designee shall credit towards the required days of attendance each day of absence for which:

      (a) There is evidence or a written affirmation by the parent or legal guardian of the pupil that the pupil was physically or mentally unable to attend school on the day of the absence; and

      (b) The pupil has completed course-work requirements.

      4.  A pupil and the pupil’s parent or legal guardian may appeal a decision of a principal or the principal’s designee pursuant to subsection 3 to the board of trustees of the school district in which the pupil is enrolled.

      5.  The board of trustees of a school district may adopt a policy to exempt pupils who are physically or mentally unable to attend school from the limitations on absences set forth in subsection 1. If a board of trustees adopts a policy pursuant to this subsection:

      (a) A pupil who receives an exemption pursuant to this subsection is not exempt from the minimum number of days of attendance prescribed pursuant to subsection 1.

      (b) The days on which a pupil is physically or mentally unable to attend school must be credited towards the required days of attendance if the pupil has completed course-work requirements.

      (c) The procedure for review of absences set forth in subsection 3 does not apply to days on which the pupil is absent because the pupil is physically or mentally unable to attend school.

      6.  A school shall inform the parents or legal guardian of each pupil who is enrolled in the school that the parents or legal guardian and the pupil are required to comply with the provisions governing the attendance and truancy of pupils set forth in NRS 392.040 to 392.160, inclusive, and any other rules concerning attendance and truancy adopted by the board of trustees of the school district.

      (Added to NRS by 1997, 2488; A 1999, 34542003, 13412005, 945212009, 2622)

Absence Reporting Form

Absence Notification

9 Questions
